The skills park is going to be super fun and flowy. It won't be dangerous, but I think we'll be able to incorporate some great challenge with low, skinny skinnies and fun long log ride/skinny/ladder/rock combos. I took some pictures of the big entrance boardwalk we started on Saturday, but I forgot to bring my camera to the coffee shop.
I dig not having internet. It's been such a big part of my life for the past five years, and it's nice to be disconnected. If only I didn't have a TV... Fortunately I'm too busy to watch it much, and I despise television for how easy it is to burn time.
I had to send a fork back to the manufacturer for some service, so I only have my rigid and my road bike that are rideable right now. I may try to ride my big bike on the pass today, but I'm missing a front derailleur so if my chain falls off I have to stop to put it back on...which may be too much of a hassle to make riding it any fun, but I miss riding the pass.
Soon my parts will come in, and I'll try to sell my perp so I can tear apart my Bitch to build up a full suspension: the Transition Bottlerocket. This will be a fun, low, jumpy bike with six inches of travel in the back. BUT I gotta sell my perp first...which may be hard in these times.
The weather has turned! It's supposed to be warm and sunny ALL WEEK!! CRAP! We may be able to ride DH trails at the 'ghee next weekend!! SWEEET! free riding!
On Saturday we got stormed off the mountain with very close lightning and hail. Nellie (my (family) little dog) and I share a healthy respect for thunderstorms. The difference being that she shows it by hiding under the couch when it rains, while I simply get anxious and try not to get caught in an exposed place or anywhere outside when there's frequent close cloud to ground lightning. I don't understand people who are willing to be exposed in thunderstorms. It's reckless and unnecessary.
Pete and I went fishing yesterday. We drove 50 miles to Warm River, up near Ashton, ID. It was great. I pulled a bunch of nice browns on a massive stonefly nymph thanks to advice from a local fly shop. The nice ones (16") were hiding under undercut banks. Around 6 pm a Caddis hatch started, and fish started to rise, but I kept fishing my nymph. Soon after, a storm rolled in and we left. I was wet wading and surprised I didn't get unbearably cold. Pete is new to fly fishing, and has a lot to learn. The first is to practice casting on a grassy yard, then learning about bugs and trout water will help a lot. I'll loan him my Fly Fishing for Dummies which is a good, simple resource.
Oh and my mom was nice enough to overnight my fiddle to me! Thanks again!!! It sounds great with new strings, and is so much nicer to play than the electric.
It's so nice outside I don't know what to do with myself...not sit in here anymore thats for sure!