Tuesday, July 14, 2009

aint over till its over

I'll keep updating irregularly.  Inga had this to say about not blogging:

Please don't stop writing blog entries.  How am I going to know where the

hell you are and if you broke both of your legs in a biking accident?

Fair enough.

Rebecca is in town as I write.  We're at the coffee shop because she has some work to do, and then it's off to the pass to ride Black Canyon.  We've had one good ride, one bad ride, and one good hike.  The bad ride was an epic hike-a-bike followed by a mediocre descent where we got caught in a thunderstorm only to climb back up some more and descend a ridiculously muddy double track to the truck.  Poor planning on my part.  It was a ride I've wanted to do but I think I should have saved it for another time.  I thought my crew-mate, Dave, recommended it, but it turns out he was talking about something else...

We hiked yesterday up to the top of Table Mountain.  It was about a 9 mile hike with 4100 feet of elevation gain and a gorgeous view of the tetons from the top.  Total time was about 8 hours I think.  Rebecca has some pictures, I'll steal some and post them.  We saw a total of three moose, lots of marmots, and a snake.  No bears. :(

Weather is good, more rain than we've had for a little while which is great.  Dryness is bad for trails and trail building.

Friday, July 3, 2009

is this the end?

living without internet may be the end of the blog.  it's hard to say.  Perhaps I'll take initiative, write blog entries offline and upload them later.  however, after 10 hours of trailwork I dont have much initiative, and on my days off I usually just want to go fishing and biking.

Rebecca is coming soon.  I'm excited to see her and I think I can shift my work schedule so I don't miss too many days.  I can't exactly afford to miss out on 10 or 20 hours of work for a week, so it's important that I can shift my schedule.  I have been thinking about where we will ride...hopefully the weather cooperates and we can play outside, but I think we'll manage regardless.  

I'm trying to use my oven more.  I had a fantastic meal last night after playing frisbee golf until late.  I covered a thawed frozen salmon filet with lime juice, lemon juice, onions, a chopped tomato, some generic poultry/fish seasoning, and tossed it in the oven.  Then I started a rice side dish (like backpacker food), jumped in the shower, then (after the shower) sauteed mushrooms, garlic, and onions to top it all off.  Everything finished at about the same time, it didnt take long to prepare, and it was delicious.  I finished it off with a bowl of cereal with a nectarine.  Tonight I'm cooking some chicken drumsticks, but probably not in the oven because I did that two nights ago.

Tonight is the Tetonia Rodeo, which I'd like to go to but I have to eat and I stayed up late last night talking with my neighbor Hailey and a visiting friend of hers.  I'd like to have some energy after work tomorrow for whatever comes my way.  I think I have plans for frisbee golf and then I've heard some rumors of cheap food somewhere and fireworks.  I get to work a cross country bike race tomorrow.  It will be interesting to be on the other side of the event...

Hunger wins, later!