Met Bryce, who would later add some rhythm to an act by beating on a guitar case like bongos, which he did well. We played the "ring on the string gotta get it on that hook over there" game, like the one in Florida. I won two bucks.
He had some ideas about green energy stuff...including storing light in a fiber optic network and using fiber optics as lights (damn expensive) and harvesting the energy of the earth's core (to help cool down the climate too). he talked a lot.
Met Marta, a oceanographer who works in Alaska and took a three month break from work to come to Jackson. She, too, thought that there was a ton of energy in the ocean that we are missing, which is true. lunar gravitational energy i suppose?
open mic ended and I talked with folks about playing and where to go to find musicians, etc. There are no jams in jackson (as far as I can tell), just open mic stuff. I'll definitely check out this one big open mic (where I'm told you need to have your shit together) called the hootenanny. It's supposed to be more bluegrass oriented. It's on Monday.
I grabbed my fiddle and played in the dining room after open mic until the nerve in my thumb started to hurt.
Ha I also managed to get three offers of couches! Good timing, too, I think it's time to move out of this hotel room I'm crashing. Too crowded, and kind of nasty...
I totally didn't know you played the fiddle. Thats awesome. I'm following your blog by the way, so keep it up. Sounds like you're having a good ole' time meeting folks in jackson.